I wrote these words as I contemplated the division in the world. Writing allows me to explore my own emotions and figure things out. I came to some conclusions that are highlighted below as I expanded on my thoughts. These are my thoughts on partisanship and polarization. I’m not the first to think this way.

“A dichotomy, Latinized form of Greek dikhotomia “a cutting in half,” from dikho-, combining form of dikha “in two, asunder” (from or related to dis “twice,” from PIE root *dwo- “two”) + temnein “to cut” (from PIE root *tem- “to cut”).”

Taking two things with contrasting views, meanings, or interpretations that are mutually exclusive and incompatible or in fact harmful or repelling to one another like polar opposites of a magnet. Either/Or.

Humans have decided that it is easier and less complicated to separate the problems that we face into black and white contrast. We like easily definable and easily palatable. Under these personally imposed regulations, we don’t have to think deeper than surface understanding and overarching truths when we can file things under a proverbial header like a word in a dictionary. We are reading the word but ignoring the descriptor. A dichotomy is comforting. It’s simple. It’s the least dangerous option because it allows us to mingle with other people under a guise of simply defined rules. It is a line in the sand that we draw and refuse to cross. It is the “haunted woods” in the fairytale, and we create a fear of walking into its tree line.

These dichotomies are always false. The world isn’t that simple anymore. We aren’t fighting over food or resources that keep us alive tomorrow. In creating a false dichotomy we relegate ourselves to ignoring the other choices which are always there. We are scared that the creatures (other people) in the “haunted” woods will eat our very souls so we walk the same paths over and over into ditches. The ditches we have created are so deep that we can’t see over the edges anymore. We have become our own fairytale. We manufacture our own nightmares. It is impossible to ignore the danger of this any longer. Our world is suffering as a result of it. We are devolving into our own innate biological tribalism that is a carryover from a lack of understanding. We have expanded further on our lines in the sand to the point that we have now professed ourselves to be judge, juror, and executioner. If another walks across that line, we have taken it upon ourselves to accost, vilify, and condemn them. This is where the true danger lies. The comfort of our dichotomy is an outdated precept that allows us to condemn a person who does not see in line with our own propaganda. We hide behind the veil of morality or intelligence, enlightenment or understanding. Conform or die. Propaganda. We created it, and we eat it up like an unhealthy meal at a cheap restaurant with poor health ratings. It’s easy. It’s cheap. It’s satisfying.

A false dichotomy tastes good. We become addicted to it and the comfort that it brings. Over time, though, it slowly poisons us. The parts of us that question, analyze, and ponder begin to die. We lose our ability to remember what it is to see clearly. The line in the sand is still there above the edges of our ditch. We can’t walk across it. The ghosts in the woods will kill us if we do. We have defined our enemy, and the only thing that matters is destroying it. We have defined that enemy as our neighbor. They’re pointing weapon back at you.

Dichotomies are social cigarettes. They provide pleasure and slowly kill us. Yet we keep on smoking them.

The world isn’t as simple as our personally implemented polarization would lead us to believe. It’s time that we put down the book that shows us a simple picture to relay a message and learn how to actually read. You think the world is black and white, but you’re missing the colors that belong to the other people around you. You’re going to have to walk across the line in the sand to find them. You’ll discover that the ghosts in the woods aren’t ghosts at all. The noises you hear that frighten you past the borders of the trees are songs and poetry. You just haven’t bothered to learn the language. If you’ll allow yourself to learn those words, you’ll realize what you’ve been missing. It’s past time to quit letting fear be our pilot.

We don’t have to lose ourselves to learn a new language. We are still individual entities. We are still unique. Education and learning are a choice. How deep do you want your personal well to be? Are you content to eat the same meal every day or are you willing to expand your palate and see what you’ve been missing? Will you share your special recipes with others so that they can enjoy them too? We have to learn how to understand one another. It’s a daunting task. We have got to quit celebrating the misery of others. That celebration is defining us as a society. It’s deepening the ditch to take pleasure in another’s woe. If you dig deep enough you’ll find that we are all guilty of that. Climbing free becomes more daunting the deeper our ditches get. We are losing ourselves the tighter we tie the blindfold. I’m tired of being afraid. Are you?