I feel as if throughout time, evolution has given as much as it has taken away. Evolution is development over a scale of time that has taken us from one understanding of reality into the next. I have come to the conclusion that our very observable changes over time in the form of our evolutionary metrics have had negative attributes as well as positive ones. While we have gained technological prowess and a domain over things such as a deeper understanding of the world of medicine and communication, we have also lost things that were once inherent.

At one time there was intuition. We still can taste remnants of it like a lingering memory of a flavor that we once savored. At one time we could feel the pulse of our environment as it changed and adapted to the ebb and flow of the tides of our surroundings. A feeling in the back of the mind or in the pit of our stomach that was interpreting an outcome before it ever materialized. It was neurological electricity, it was a shift in pressure, and it was something that we were as familiar with as the next breath that filled our lungs. This “sixth sense” was connection, and we had the ability to harness it to manipulate our realities and the choices that we made regarding the next steps that we took. I believe that there is an energy in the world. Unseen and silent, but as palpable as wind in our hair. I feel that over time as life became more autonomous our need of this intuition to guide our steps was diminished, almost imperceptibly. We became reliant on the predictability of the day. Everything from the climate, to the food filling our bellies, to whether we should fear the unknown in the darkness has become muted in our complacency in the form of a lack of fear or finality. Life is easier, and things are now simpler to explain no matter their complexity. We have lost the need for feeling the spaces that we occupy. Once, when we were less evolved, we used our intuition as a tool and we were granted peace because of our relationship with this now nearly lost sense.

At one time there was awe. Visions of our present environment were very commonly seen or experienced for the first time. We had the ability to see things in an inaugural way constantly throughout the years that we are granted to walk upon this earth. We saw a sunrise over a previously unknown lake and we were immediately consumed with a vision into the eyes of god. Once when one lived among the trees, and for the first time stumbled upon the ocean whether by intention or accident, we were granted with a vision of a world that completely uprooted everything that we once understood as being the whole of reality. We once gazed into the heavens on a clear night, and as the millions of stars twinkled down upon us like winking eyes upon a field of darkness, and we were left to contemplate doorways to paths and avenues unknown. We felt as if we could be gazing upon infinity, as the possibilities of what this vision represented were endless. The possibilities were limitless as to what we were seeing, and the promises of something much more grandiose than we could fathom were apparent. Once when we were less evolved, we used our awe as a vessel to carry us forward in our quest for understanding, and we were filled with life as we were allowed to contemplate trying to embrace the sacred.

At one time there was mystery. Daily experiences were left answerless. We used our intuition and our awe to develop something cognitive to explain the unexplainable. And thus gods were born. We once were able to see the interconnected nature of the world in which we are hopelessly entangled within the web therein. We noticed that the beings and creatures inhabited the dark and the obscure. We observed that water flows, and life follows as everything within this circle seeks to continue its sustenance. We witnessed sleep throughout the snow to hide from the cold, but the beauty of the silence in those avoided snow-covered fields. Flashes of light emitted from the sky with power and thunder, and the same minuscule versions of this electric current was found giving light upon the backs of insects in a forest in the summer. Love amongst the wild is prolific as mothers foster children in a perpetual circle to create a pathway for life to carry on. Life. It was a mystery and it was to be celebrated and contemplated in its infinite and infinitesimal magical dance. Once when we were less evolved, we were filled with a wonder that left us speechless daily as we attempted to fathom the interconnection between the world that existed outside of and within our bodies.

At one time there was magic. As we manipulated the world around us by focusing on the intuition, the awe, and the mystery of our incomprehensible world, we found that connecting with it was possible and the impossible suddenly became reality. We watched as the cold became warm by our own hands. We carried ourselves mightily knowing that we could be healed when we were once ill. We had the ability to change the worse for the better, and we were thankful. We were able to create something producing remarkable results, even though they were not fully understood. Connection trumped knowledge and we longed for it daily. We wanted to be immersed in the mysteries of our world and able to impact them with our volition. We watched faithfully and participated willfully knowing that the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. To find magic is to believe in magic, thus our non belief has presented itself with an absence of this connection. Once when we were less evolved, we believed that the world was full of magical things waiting for us to discover them, and in this pursuit we found a connection beyond anything else imaginable.

We have made many great strides in our multiple lifetimes existing as humans. I fear as I observe the world around me that as we have traded away our pasts for our futures, we have lost the ability to see with eyes once connected with the heavens. This disconnect rears its ugly head in the form of unrest, anxiousness, morose, and general sadness. Much like one who has lost a limb, the phantom of our past mind still haunts us from within the chasms and corridors of our spirits. We have forgotten how to say their names. As I expand upon this thought I believe that we have forgotten that they exist at all. Yet like a specter out of the corner of our eye, or a cold breeze when we know it should be warm, we sometimes hear this past speaking to us. To relearn how to see and how to interpret this unwritten language long past may be our greatest task ahead. Not pursuing the aforementioned past may be the biggest mistake that we could make.

I can see the pieces and I know that they belong, but making them fit again is a task with no clear way forward. Still I’ll wander onward in pursuit of these ghosts.

2 responses to “EVOLUTION”

  1. Denise Avatar

    So true! I can feel that lingering intuition. It’s like a familiar song where you can’t remember the words, but you can hum the tune.

    1. Kanticoy Avatar

      I had a feeling you’d know what I was talking about!