One of the greatest challenges in my life is not only finding but achieving balance. Everything, like a pendulum that sways from one side to another, relies on a balance of forces to sustain its momentum and grace.

A candle flickering it’s flame reveals the shadows constantly hiding from the light’s glow. The shadows are constantly battling the light for space and dominance. Without either, then neither exists. Light is the absence of darkness and darkness is the absence of light.

Quivering on the razor’s edge of responsibility and freedom, we are always trying to balance between shackles and freedom. Balance is indeed the gateway to the chasm of prison. Sway too far in one direction and you are locked within a cage. Too far in the other and you freeze to death, locked outside of the warmth.

Flight is beautiful until it is not dictated by control. Comfort is a pleasant state of existence until it is paid for with confinement. Balancing between the two contrasts takes vigilance and humility.

We only have our time as we live our sparse years. The debt we pay with that resource determines everything. The heart and soul have voices and gestures that indicate potential pathways along this linear existence. We cannot take back that which we have already spent, but we can change our observation of our lives to prioritize connection.

Connection begets balance and balance begets stability.

Heirloom souls and inherited lives, we were planted within the fields of fate, but the nourishment and light are up to us to obtain. If you aren’t careful, they will pass you by on the currents of the breeze. Then you can only look back upon the withered remnants of what could have been. The choice takes wisdom. The results can be transformative. Evolve into yourself when your path narrows. Focus within the shadow to emerge again into the light.