Category: Uncategorized

  • The Recollections of Jess Whitmore

    The day the church disappeared wasn’t the beginning of the strange things that had been happening around town. In fact, people had been reporting and photographing oddities for months. Social media feeds were riddled with questions and silent gasps along with crudely snapped cell phone photos of things that were out of place for a…

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  • The Song of the Fireflies

    The rhythmic thrumming of the rain on the tin roof had put Brio Thomas into a daze. It was hypnotic and even borderline paralyzing. He didn’t know how long he had been on the sofa at this point. He was in one of those in between stages of laying on his back and sitting down…

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  • The Boy Who Collected Feathers

    Guthrie Green wasn’t a bird, and this perturbed him greatly. The first memory that Guthrie had, from a time where memories weren’t something for one to hold on to in their mind, was of gulls floating on the breeze with the whitewashed haze of a coastal break crashing lazily as background noise. He didn’t know…

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  • When You’re Hungry, The Table Is Full

    Tumbling atoms through space and time. We occupy so many things, but we scarcely remember. Touching stone and bark, cool water and hot flame, we experience a sensation that is sometimes as powerful as a memory. A gaze toward the heavens is like looking at a family tree in an infinite expanse all at one…

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  • Shining Stars in Broken Minds

    Some stars shine differently than others. There’s just something about them. When you look up at night and see the plethora of tiny specks dotting a blanket of pitch black, it’s easy to get lost in the randomness and the repetition of it all. As beautiful as it is to look at, the monotony of…

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  • Glimmer

    Light shines. Even under the cover of darkness, even when the outside world can’t see it glow, the embers remain. Fighting perpetual in defiance of submission, even when the deluge of moisture is poured upon it, the cinder smolders. Disobedient by nature as we try to deny it it’s luminescence, it glimmers on. Darkness becomes…

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  • The Way of the Leaf

    As the cold wanes and sunlight prevails we branch forth from brittle branches peering into a world foreign and beautiful and frightening. This is the cacophony of birth. As the sunlight warms the hearth of soil and the rains sprinkle life upon the foundations of our homes we begin to grow and reach further toward…

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  • The Thinning of the Veil

    In cinder and spark we watch the days become darker, and the cool and embraces the air Peering forth into the canopy of leaves our eyes begin to stare At patchwork colors of yellow and orange the seasons are going to sleep Through jacketed arms and hand warmed fires the ancestors begin to creep The…

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  • Burning Stars

    In small towns are large minds. Weeping hearts in paths’ twisted vines. Houses inhabited by the ghosts of faded residents Lurking in dark corners reminding their fading precedents. We stare at the sky admiring the brush strokes Ruddy and violet luminescence as tears choke At the memories of lives lived under that same sky Holding…

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  • Pieces of the Divine

    From atoms and ether, carbon and dust A new soul is plucked from within the bodies of lovers. A myriad of magic precedes the reformation of molecules To bring forth the growth of a new spirit. Potential abundant in a story unwritten Poised on the precipice of life and existence. In the slow churning of…

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  • Planes Into Buildings.

    A plane flown into a tower as a testament to an ideology. The act itself was a statement. The statement cost thousands of lives, but then that was always the point. An act of desperation to be heard on a world stage on display to everyone on earth. Those performing the act felt just and…

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  • The Condescension Conundrum

    We are living in an age of superiority within false or manipulated context. Quick to judge and quick to claim a moral and ethical high ground toward a difference of opinion. Two sides planted firmly upon their little hills, drowning in the fluid seas of the machinations of growth. We adopt statistics and quotations that…

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  • The Letter S

    Ever doubt how connected we are? I propose a little journey. I want you to take a deep breath and sigh slowly. Hear that sound that hiss, that slow and whispered “S” sound you’re making? Now take this into consideration. The letter “S” as it is written even has the properties of the sound. A…

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  • Poison

    Some silent spell The warmth of being close offering a shelter from the wind I am caught between the paragraphs of your story And tangled between the words of your song. Whispered without word under breath If one didn’t know they’d think it was merely a sigh, But that evacuation of breath I interpret As…

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  • Balance.

    One of the greatest challenges in my life is not only finding but achieving balance. Everything, like a pendulum that sways from one side to another, relies on a balance of forces to sustain its momentum and grace. A candle flickering it’s flame reveals the shadows constantly hiding from the light’s glow. The shadows are…

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  • Smoke

    Smoke rises. The burned remnants and a reminder of something fierce. Some lingers with a sweet aroma, and others burn your lungs with an acrid stench. But all of them are the lasting hint of extinguished flame. A life burns and glows in fiery form, consuming it’s surroundings. It returns that gift with action, light…

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  • God Bless the Freaks

    Adorning the bumper stickers across the world and representing a pride in the counterculture or the celebration of abstract thought. What does that really mean to us in these modern days? A celebration of discontent and disruption of the placating repetition of monotony and satiation. What it means is a state of constant discomfort and…

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  • Droplet

    Droplets of water originating from different layers of condensate in the atmosphere. Destined to find the bonds of the earth along the path of their descent. Some vapor, melded into form by the temperature and the pressure of the heavens formed into a conglomeration of like molecules, ever growing. The destination is impact and from…

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  • Hungry

    In tendrils of vine and trickling waters Surrender of the mind to heartbeats inhuman. Grasping for light’s strands Produces empty hands Spirit ever striving to find perch in the bitumen. Frustrated mind in search of a harvest Longing deeply for satiation from that bounty. Fruits consumed through the eyes And not of the mouth Can…

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  • Charism

    Ten fingers on two hands, ten toes on two feet, two eyes on one head. One mind guiding. Minuscule and finite, but powerful and infinite depending on our choosing. We are all endeared with a personal Charism. God wrought or universe granted, The undeniable is that we share the constructs of the stars. Carbon and…

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