Category: Uncategorized

  • In it, not on it…

    Why are you going on and ON about life when you should be doing everything in your power to be IN life? Don’t be ON it, just be IN it. Life is an interactive experience. The greatest one fathomable in fact. It’s also all in the subtleties. It’s not the big stuff that we use…

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  • Broken

    I have been broken. From the cracks that have emerged from the impact with the present comes leaking forth the remnants of a past self. I still hold the shape of myself before the fall, and you can recognize the same color in my eyes and the shade of hay in my hair. But if…

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  • Our Lost Selves

    Ancient whispers beckoning from a dusty corridor in the closets of our minds. Subtle fragrances of loam drifting from an unforeseen avenue. When the hair on your arm pricks to attention on the gust of a breeze, and the pattern of rain falling creates a rhythm to a song that is on the tip of…

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  • Reverent Ritual

    Verdant landscapes marching by under footsteps in a procession among hidden life. Fallen homages to the once towering pillars of timber littering the mossy landscape in a lichen encased skin. Each footfall is calculated in a reverie of respectful adoration as the receptors of understanding are opened toward the embrace of the ancient. There is…

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  • Swimming against the current.

    If there is anything that I have accomplished in my life, it is always adhering to my own personal brand, despite the friction that it can sometimes generate from outside opinion. I have always had a stark sense of individuality, and that has always been paramount to the survival of my own personal psyche. I…

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  • We are being hijacked.

    We are a vehicle. A body of fluid transporting our soul and our consciousness. If one were to imagine themselves as a vehicle, it wouldn’t be a far venture to evaluate the proverbial roadway that we are traveling as a result. The concept of a soul is inherent within the reality of our perception. It…

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  • Magic in the Mundane

    I for one believe that there is magic in the mundane. We lose ourselves in the conventionality and perceived homeliness of the things that we see every day. Forever taking for granted the silent things, the things that we are accustomed to taking up space in our crowded lives. How easily we forget the potential…

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  • Chasing Mysteries

    Grasping at slippery straws that are allergic to light, Ever veiled from any glimpse but the peripheral. The moments in life when visages are direct and obtained , Are scarce and won with strife. We take gambles upon exigent gambles as we wander forward, Ever chasing ghosts. Life’s chances not left to hollow coincidence, But…

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  • Growth

    I can feel myself growing. I can feel the discomfort in my bones. More importantly, I can feel it tugging on the neurons and connective tissue inside of my head. It is stressing the cracks and crevices of the dusty corners inside of my skull and it is ever pressing outward. I had an inclination…

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  • Weary Traveler

    A human oddity propelled into a world that he doesn’t understand completely, and the world reciprocates by not understanding him in return. As one grows older, it seems that the divide grows and he drifts further away. He becomes comfortable with the nature of himself, but realizes that his nature is the very thing that…

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  • Social Society

    In contemplating life in general recently and watching the years go by, I have come to the realization that the contact that I have with people in a meaningful way has become a point of contention within my own mind. As humans, we are brought up to accept that we are social creatures. There are…

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  • Longing For The Light

    I have come to believe that human beings have roots. We don’t always make conscious decisions where they are planted, but these roots do long for obtaining a grip on something that provides sustenance to the whole of the organism. When imagined in this context, several parallels that make sense when observing with the eyes…

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    I feel as if throughout time, evolution has given as much as it has taken away. Evolution is development over a scale of time that has taken us from one understanding of reality into the next. I have come to the conclusion that our very observable changes over time in the form of our evolutionary…

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  • Where I Stand

    Written November 22nd 2015 So I’m gonna lay it out there for everyone curious just so you know where I stand. Clear as mud, square peg/round hole. I am not a conservative. I am not a liberal. I am me and I am human. I have seen the worst parts of our social existence and…

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  • The Ugliness of Headlines

    I have been pondering something over the last year that I am struggling to embrace completely. I’m not sure that I am capable. We have developed an addiction to divisive headlines. We can’t wait to wake up in the morning to find out what new sensational faux pas the politician or talking head who we…

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  • Tact and Compassion

    Tact and compassion. Concepts worth examining and contemplating when the world goes awry. As a child, I could have never fathomed prior to my time as a servant of the public the things that I have been witness to. Had I known, would I have still chosen my line of work? I believe I still…

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  • Ideologies

    Ideas can blossom into growth, or they can ignite terror. People want to follow these ideas and see them to fruition when they emotionally impact them. It is generally a response to some form of discontent. The question is: are the ideas personal or are they from an agenda driven source? Have we lost the…

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  • Responsibility Rather Than Blame

    I would like to suggest a new way of thinking. Responsibility rather than blame. It’s so easy for us to blame the problems of the world on something that is disconnected from us. It’s a well worn path when traveling that road. In these divided times we blame a political party, an ideology, or a…

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  • Dichotomies

    I wrote these words as I contemplated the division in the world. Writing allows me to explore my own emotions and figure things out. I came to some conclusions that are highlighted below as I expanded on my thoughts. These are my thoughts on partisanship and polarization. I’m not the first to think this way.…

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  • Keep Going With Clear Eyes and an Open Heart

    This world in which we live has a tendency to thrive off of hypocrisy. We glorify individuals when they claim victory in the name of god and religion, politics or conviction, while alternately ignoring the evils of the world in the forms of poverty, subjugation, and injustice. We profess to be all loving and all…

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