Grasping at slippery straws that are allergic to light,
Ever veiled from any glimpse but the peripheral.
The moments in life when visages are direct and obtained ,
Are scarce and won with strife.
We take gambles upon exigent gambles as we wander forward,
Ever chasing ghosts.
Life’s chances not left to hollow coincidence,
But willful discovery and blind exploration.
As we first peer, and then walk the void.
The uncommon path; the uncharted waters.
The veiled secrets of an abstract life.
Offering the temptation of the unknown.
Promising a knowledge not yet understood.
Life is the greatest tutor,
And we are faced with the choice of the difficulty in lecture.
Languages unknown become familiar with repetition,
A chorus to a song tempting the realization of a memory.
Humming , hoping to remember the verses.
It is unknown to us whether the memory we can smell like a lingering scent upon the breeze
Is that which was once experienced, or a life not lived.
The singing of the forgotten,
Ever edging against the barrier between our minds and the mysterious.
Could we all be once caul-born?
Have the memories of the silence and the innocence been mostly forgotten?
The periphery of my thoughts and the lingering specter of knowing,
Ever nagging at the fabric of my consciousness,
Perpetuating these questions with incessancy.
What roots grow unseen?
Propagating life without fanfare below us as we venture onward?
The ache of bone against skin, the dull reminder of the flickering li(fe)ght.
Sweaty brow and ringing ears in a perceived silence.
A constant reminder of the declaration of effort.
Subtle scent and blurred vision as a reward.
Everything foreign is bourgeoning knowledge.
Every language understood was once noise.
Every object was once out of focus until we learned to see,
And every song we know now was once the din against silent comfort.
We strive to understand.
We strive for community with the dead
And the memories insistent upon their vapor tongues.
Every day we breathe is a lesson,
And every change of season signals growth’s opportunity.
Listening closely to the memoriam of knowledge and wisdom,
Only then shall we understand and evolve. The temptation of growth.
Reminders of experiences we are chasing
Languish in the shadows of our mind.
Providing a revealing light is an unbroken chain of simplicity that brings comfort.
The bliss of ignorance in the forefront of our mind
As the effort unobtainable, unimagined and stark.
Bringing comfort to the exotic emotion of the foreign,
Finding solace in the arcane.
Darkness begetting light;
Ever hoping that the light is a revelation.
Aching feet and tired steps are the gateway to the winding path ahead.
A path fraught with challenge and strife.
Deciding to venture onward is a beckoning from a mysterious fog, ever present.
The luminescence, burdened by the luminaries,
Challenging the contortions of tongue, will, and mind.
Promises of peace whispered to willing ears.
Chasing mysteries with hope eternal.