I would like to suggest a new way of thinking. Responsibility rather than blame. It’s so easy for us to blame the problems of the world on something that is disconnected from us. It’s a well worn path when traveling that road. In these divided times we blame a political party, an ideology, or a philosophy for our own personal grievances. We pass the blame. What I don’t see a lot of is people taking personal responsibility for righting those grievances. Feed the poor, help the destitute. When we commit to a life with a servant’s mentality, we can take pride in the actions of service. We are all capable, but there are very few willing. There are many things within our grasp of control, and we are failing to harness them. The life of the servant is difficult, but rewarding. Are we reaching beyond our comfort zone to nurture the world in ways that are beneficial to someone other than ourself? We all claim to care about something, but at the end of the day, the majority is content to sit around and wait for someone else to change the world for them. We are our own life’s architect. Build wisely.