We are living in an age of superiority within false or manipulated context. Quick to judge and quick to claim a moral and ethical high ground toward a difference of opinion. Two sides planted firmly upon their little hills, drowning in the fluid seas of the machinations of growth. We adopt statistics and quotations that aren’t of our own construction and wield them as weapons toward our perceived duty of education and conversion. We forget that truth exists beyond the realm of theory, so we bend it into a fabrication to better represent a position of “rightness” in order to support our fragile platforms.
Truth is monolithic and stoic in its existence.
We place ourselves upon a podium of insecurity and flagrantly put it on display. Those who feel moved to press their will upon the lives of another are displaying their own lack of conviction. Propping up a standpoint with zealous certainty and willful idolatry is akin to walking a path of darkness without vision. Somewhere in between what we are fervently against and what we unquestioningly adopt as reality, the truth still holds its ground. Only by extending our hands in goodwill across the aisle of uncertainty can we meet our contrasting kin in the calmer waters of reason and compassion.
We have lost our ability to love despite. When will we be willing and able to appreciate the beauty in contrast and the harmony of the scales held in balance by diversity? This human conundrum has persisted for millennia. A world in turmoil because of hearts in turmoil. Expect nothing but friction lest you absolve yourself of the rigid structures of your perception.